where does this go

January 10, 2022

Nepotism, Croynism Alive & Well in Niles, IL

June 15, 2021

The O’Donovan name has long been associated with nepotism in the Chicago suburb of Niles. With Danette O’Donovan being a Village Trustee for many years, her coattails have extended to her brother, Dennis O’Donovan, who is not only an employee of the Village as an Inspector for the Community Development Department, but he is also the President of the Niles Park District, after having been a Commissioner for the Park District previously.

How is it, with all the thousands of people who reside in Niles, that Mr. O’Donovan manages to land not one, but two positions within the governmental structure on Niles? Is it because he is the proud owner of multiple college degrees and has a higher than average level of education and knowledge about parks and exercise? Quite the contrary, as Mr. O’Donovan does not have a college degree and is morbidly obese.

Corruption runs deep in Niles, Illinois

June 30, 2020

Niles, Illinois Government is rife with nepotism, fraud and outright corruption.

Community Development Fence Inspector, Dennis O’Donovan, who is also on the Niles Park District Board of Commissioners and his sister Village trustee Danette O’Donovan work there. Nepotism is strong to be certain.

This journalist has filed FOIA requests for illegal and unethical activities by Dennis O’Donovan. Those FOIA requests have been received and are being looked over at the moment.

The Village has given certain FOIA materials, and has no record of any calls, reports or inspections of the pool in question. The director of Community Development, Mr. Charles Ostman, is now making the position that the complaint was ‘anonymous’ and as such, there is no record of it. Of course this claim is a total ruse, and even with an anonymous tip, there is a record of it. The date of the ‘tip’ and subsequent reports, investigations, etc. have been questioned.

We shall see what other bags of tricks Mr. Ostman has up his sleeve to protect the corruption of Mr. Dennis O’Donovan.

FOX busted again!!

August 3, 2017



Israel Builds More Illegal Settlements

May 28, 2009


“Mancow” Mueller waterboarded!!

May 23, 2009


Dick Cheney Lies Through His Teeth!!

May 22, 2009
